What are you listening to now? Page 916

Diversions - the unthanks with the Brighouse and Rastric Brass Band

Quote: Ben @ December 10 2012, 5:48 PM GMT

Gimme Shelter - The Stones!

I love that song!

Oh come all ye faithful

Extremely loud


Mike Heron - Smiling Men With Bad Reputations

(He has vintage 1971 The Who (sans Roger) backing him on one track!)

Quite a mood change after being accompanied by Robin Williamson on a stringed gourd.

Some proper Incredible String Band for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bogz2xZy-bo

Quote: Pingl @ December 10 2012, 8:13 PM GMT

Diversions - the unthanks with the Brighouse and Rastric Brass Band

This again because it so wonderful :)

State Of Confusion - The Kings

Tim Hardin - Nine

(His last album. His muse had pretty much deserted him but still a wonderful voice.)

The Collected Country Joe & The Fish (1965 to 1970)

Groovy! :)

Siouxsie and the banshees - Carcass

F**k yeah

Music For Films - Brian Eno

The Band - 'Stage Fright'. The Band are one of my very favouritist musical groupings.

'Stage Fright' is one of my favouritist songs by them.

70s hard rock:


Freeway Madness by the Pretty Things:
