What are you listening to now? Page 817

Quote: chipolata @ January 8 2011, 11:47 PM GMT

The Kinks were never a great album band. They always excelled at singles.

Not sure about that. I like Village Green, Something Else and Face to Face.

Quote: Ben @ January 8 2011, 11:38 PM GMT

No. There's not many HITS on it.

Oooh! Days is on it!

Stone Roses

Robert Wyatt - Shipbuilding

Dear God you must be going deaf.

'Half past twelve'

Quote: The Cool Mikado @ January 2 2011, 7:20 PM GMT

Timebox - Beggin'

I saw Timebox at a college gig - third on the bill before The Move and a pre-boringTommybombast The Who.

Timebox were great but their set rather disintegrated when The Move rudely started tuning up before they had finished.

Currently listening to:

The Beatles - Live at The BBC

Crowded House vs. Snoop Dogg & Dr. Dre - The Weather Episode [Go Home Productions)

The original "rock opera" album version of Andrew Lloyd-Webber & Tim Rice's Jesus Christ Superstar (1970), with Deep Purple's Ian Gillan singing the part of Jesus and a host of great 60s/70s rock musicians playing.

(Nice to hear recently that Matt Berry's also a fan of this.)

Ray Lamontagne & The Pariah Dogs - This Love is Over

Quote: Griff @ January 12 2011, 6:05 PM GMT

Like all sensible people I <3 The Kinks. I saw them live and they are still the loudest band I have ever heard (and I've seen Motorhead, Hawkwind, Iron Maiden etc). The only thing I've ever heard that was louder was three Harrier Jump Jets taking off simultaneously at Farnborough Air Show.

I'll bet the Clash were louder. My ears were really painful!

Listening to Wreckless Eric's radio show. Give it a listen. You won't be disappointd if you like quirky stuff.


I really like this song by Euros Childs new band:

Candyfloss by Jonny.


Here are four tracks which I've been playing in recent days which I think are rather cool. It's a rather diverse bunch so something should appeal

The Barracudas - Summer Fun (the best song intro ever) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoIpkmSipuk

Yello - Oh Yeah (as seen in Ferris Beuller's Day Off) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO6PlkMOQzw&feature=fvst

New Order - Ruined in a Day (K Klass remix) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNOLGzT1Tno

Coldplay - God put a smile on your face (this one is in because of the video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-KlVd_-Wfo&ob=av2el

Yello and New Order are two bands I think have consistently brought out good quality albums and I agree about Coldplay although it's fashionable to knock them.

Listening to Ashes to Ashes by Bowie on Planet Rock.

Duran Duran's stonking new album "All You Need Is Now" (produced by Mark Ronson), which borrows the majority of it's sound from their 1982 album "Rio". Very 80s but more importantly very Duran Duran.

Quote: Griff @ January 21 2011, 11:40 PM GMT

Chilean miners face new dilemma after getting trapped in piano.

Sorry, wrong thread.