Possible Plagarism? Page 3

The website isn't for comedy writers ...

When it comes to plagiarism, the nature/content of a website is completely irrelevant.

If the OP copies the conversation verbatim, technically speaking, he could be sued. Just as I could, if I was to use material from, say, a football forum, without permission.

Unless stated otherwise: the person that submitted the piece originally, immediately gains 'copyright' and ownership of it.

What if you overheard a funny comnversation on the bus and used it in a script? Would that be plagiarism?

No. Plagiarism can only exist (in the eyes of the law) if something has been written down.

It's certainly a toughy with a whole Pantone scale of grey areas as far as I can glean. Agreed that if the OP uses the stuff he's read on the site chapter and verse, then he's potentially open to legal redress. But then who'd do that? If, however, he's just going to develop an idea from something he's read online, then he's safe as houses as far as I can see, as long as he can safely say that the resultant work was only "inspired" by something he read, and not copied.
But then, even if you "closely-imitate" the idea of the original author, you're still open to legal shenanigans.

So my official position on this matter is now F**k Knows. :)

Quote: don rushmore @ June 13 2010, 5:20 PM BST

If the OP copies the conversation verbatim, technically speaking, he could be sued. Just as I could, if I was to use material from, say, a football forum, without permission.

Damn! Alert the lawyers, Don, forgot to ask your permission. :)

Agree with Don on plagiarism. And also the point that (even if it is a real-life conversation transcribed) the copyright automatically defaults to the person who wrote it down first.

As to amending (the polite term) other's work happening all the time - yep, it does - but I gotta admit when I'm writing I never start from the point of consciously amending something I've seen and think I can improve on. I've always started from a point which I think is my own and I get incredibly embarrassed when it's pointed out something of mine is similar to another sketch. Even though I'm aware that I hadn't copied.

Quote: greensville @ June 13 2010, 11:55 AM BST

Me and David Bussell came up with exactly the same joke and filmed it. Mine's a bit of the way in.



Different executions though!

Greensville! First time I'd seen your video - very funny, good work :)