The Fattest Man In Britain plot, a copy! Page 3

Cous cous is a kind of pasta really. Ground small and served up with tasty, spicy, Morrocan lamb dishes cooked in a tajine.

Not too bad at all.


And I like kebabs.

Cous cous is cool, it doesn't require any cooking, you just have to pour boiling water on it. It is easy to mix the dried product with stock, or any other flavourings, and you get quick, easy, tasty carbs, with very little washing up.

No good for people with wheat allergies though.

I saw it - Bobby Ball was the biggest surprise! Forgot that nutty window salesman could act.

I'm sure I read it was based on a true story. I remember a documentary about a fat guy who had a wierd black paste for hair that he called 'Jack's creation' (pretty much the only thing I remember about it) - think it's based on the story of that guy . . .

I watched it. I liked it.