Advertising slogans Page 5


"When she knows your name and address"


"Also a useful salad ingredient"


So clean it'll burn.


"Come this way, girls"


Because you're neighbours might be rapists.

North Korean holidays.
See the future of Britain before Labour bring it in.

Bacardi Breezer
Because girls like to start fights too.

The Daily Mail
You're not paranoid they are out to get you.

Windows Vista

"XP on Valium"


" 'Yes' in a bottle "

The Bill

"The Sweeney with everything taken out"

Bottled Water

"Unnecessary hydration for the very very gullible"

Sitcom Trials

"The jury is still out"

The Liberal Democrats.
Giving paedo geography teachers somewhere to go.

Invade twice and the 3rd is free.

Quote: sootyj @ December 2 2009, 11:54 PM GMT

Because the wife won't beat herself.

There's a New Zealand beer called Tui, which has a billboard advertising campaign involving a spurious statement always followed by the slogan "yeah right". One of the more controversial Tui billboards was on the subject of spouse abuse:



"Laying the ghost of Kerry Katona"

The British Army

"Under-equipped, underpaid and over there"

The US Army

"Over-equipped, overpaid and everywhere"

Quote: Ming the Mirthless @ December 7 2009, 10:44 PM GMT

The US Army

"Over-equipped, overpaid and everywhere"

As a former soldier in the U.S. Army, I can assure you that service members are not overpaid. We did have lots of cool toys, however.

Come for the oil stay for the genocide.

US Air Force.
Livening up Afghani weddings since 2003

Quote: DaButt @ December 7 2009, 11:14 PM GMT

As a former soldier in the U.S. Army...

Did you get the name 'DaButt' because you were a rear gunner?

Quote: DaButt @ December 7 2009, 11:14 PM GMT

As a former soldier in the U.S. Army, I can assure you that service members are not overpaid.

I'm sure you're right, Da Butt.

I was taking a little comedic licence based upon a very old British joke.

In WW2, a British private received the princely sum of £3 per month while his American counterpart received several times that amount.