British Comedy Guide

Beautiful People - Series 2

I was somewhat surprised to find that this actually had received a second series, but am very glad it did.

After an alright-but-not-amazing debut last year, I really enjoyed the first episode of Series 2. Lots of laughs and great lines throughout. Far wittier, and IMO far better use of stronger characters. Very much looking forward to episode 2.

For those who missed it (I almost did), it's broadcasting in BBC Two's 10pm slot on Fridays for another five weeks. Unfortunately I can't see repeats scheduled, but it'll be up on iPlayer soon.


Watched this on iPlayer and although it isn't totally my sense of humour I still thought the writing was brilliant with some great gags. The goerge porgy rape one was the best, is good that the BBC haven't gone totally mad with censoring.

Very fuuny but I don't understand why they put it on with no advertising? I doubt it will do very well in the ratings but then again the first series had poor viewing figures. Thank God we have the BBC!

Yes, yes, but when is Jonathan Harvey going to write a gay-friendly sitcom? Rolling eyes

You don't think the sitcom is gay friendly?!

Didn't do anything for me. And judging by the way this thread's taking off, it doesn't do much for viewers either.

Quote: Adrian Gough @ November 16 2009, 10:58 AM GMT

You don't think the sitcom is gay friendly?!

He only seems to be able to write stereotypes.

Quote: Tim Walker @ November 16 2009, 11:42 AM GMT

He only seems to be able to write stereotypes.

To be fair, gay people seem quite happy to stereotype themselves.

Quote: chipolata @ November 16 2009, 11:45 AM GMT

To be fair, gay people seem quite happy to stereotype themselves.

I think it's to try and build an identity.

I think this show really doesn't capture Reading very well - when it's a town with huge comic potential.

Maybe Cementary Junction will do a better job. :)

I turned down a free preview ticket to that. :(

I said "no, thanks I'm in a hurry" to some one outside the cinema and then realised later what they were doing.


Quote: Dolly Dagger @ November 16 2009, 12:06 PM GMT

I think this show really doesn't capture Reading very well - when it's a town with huge comic potential.

I haven't seen this show as it doesn't seem like the type of comedy I would enjoy, however, I did live a few miles from Reading in the eighties so we may well give it a go.

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