Leaving the BCG Page 19

Cheers Curt. Good luck with everything and hope to see you around. :)

Good luck Curt. Be back soon mate.

Quote: Curt @ December 9 2009, 12:05 AM GMT

Hi everyone I'm not leaving the BSG or anything but I thought it would be worth posting that I've become pretty busy and it doesn't look like it's slowing down any time soon. I got my first class (I'm a high school teacher for those who don't know) but the last two teachers (yes two teachers before me) left me with very little to work with and their marks in incomplete or simply wrong. So I've been working every night until 12 trying to sort this stuff out and lesson plan.
The kids are pretty bad, for example today when I turned around I got a ball of yarn in the back of my head but I'm managing. The last teacher actually quit teaching altogether after teaching this class.
I'm also trying to finish up a course on special education.

Anyways I really miss posting on here, and I hope everyone is well.
Look forward to coming back the the forums when my life settles down.

You've reminded me of a time, many moons ago, when I taught briefly in an East End school in Glasgow. Rule 1 - NEVER turn your back on the class (so everything has to be on the board before the lesson); Rule 2 - NEVER open the window (even if you're gagging at unmentionable smells)or the little bastards will chuck things through it at the break; Rule 3 - keep your desk locked otherwise unmentionable things will find their way in (as well as your handbag finding its way out); rule 4 - keep well back from the troublemakers lest you be tempted to grip them by the throat and bang their heads repeatedly off the wall. And those were the times when you could beat them senseless with a belt. Ah, happy days!

Quote: keewik @ December 9 2009, 3:59 PM GMT

You've reminded me of a time, many moons ago, when I taught briefly in an East End school in Glasgow. Rule 1 - NEVER turn your back on the class (so everything has to be on the board before the lesson); Rule 2 - NEVER open the window (even if you're gagging at unmentionable smells)or the little bastards will chuck things through it at the break; Rule 3 - keep your desk locked otherwise unmentionable things will find their way in (as well as your handbag finding its way out); rule 4 - keep well back from the troublemakers lest you be tempted to grip them by the throat and bang their heads repeatedly off the wall. And those were the times when you could beat them senseless with a belt. Ah, happy days!

As a Angelic sixth-former, I often, if not always, find myself on the side of the teacher. I hate attention seekers.