Comedy Highlights from First Half of 2009

As we are half-way through the year now, I was wondering if anyone had a favourite, or indeed a least favourite moment in the comedy output from the first six months of 2009.

Personally, my favourite show has been Mark Steel's in Town, because it is good to see a broadcast comedy taking place in places other than the major cities. It is more like a normal stand-up show as you get into the atmosphere of the local area.

If we're talking British comedy, then 'Psychoville' has possibly been my highlight so far.

If we include American shows, then I'd also add 'Eastbound And Down'.

The stuff I've really enjoyed this year so far would be as follows-

Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle
That Mitchell and Webb Look Series 3
Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow
Charlie Brooker's Newswipe

I have to say that it's been a good year so far. Besides the shows above I've found a lot of other good stuff that I've enjoyed, and while there's been some obvious duds as well I don't think there have been as many as in previous years (although there is still time for that to change). Comedy is certainly not in the terrible state that everyone has been talking about recently.

The Inbetweeners.

Quote: Leevil @ July 5 2009, 12:19 AM BST

The Inbetweeners.


I agree Best film In The Loop

Best TV series Stewart Lee

I'm also enjoying Michael McIntyre's stand up series, Mitchell and Webb's TV and radio shows, Family Guy (New to freeview at least) and Newsjack of course as a great opportunity!

If I ever remember to record it I might enjoy Pyschoville too!

Quote: Jane P @ July 5 2009, 11:34 AM BST

If I ever remember to record it I might enjoy Pyschoville too!

I believe that all the episodes are currently on the iPlayer, in case you missed any of them.

Quote: Ian Wolf @ July 5 2009, 11:35 AM BST

I believe that all the episodes are currently on the iPlayer, in case you missed any of them.

Thanks Ian - if my laptop can cope with it which I doubt! I'll give it a try.

Really rather enjoyed The Old Guys and Reggie Perrin. Can't think of anything else that has particularly grabbed me enough to make note of.

Haven't seen the new series ofFlight Of The Conchords yet. Never saw it being advertised, so kept missing it.

Can't remember if it was this year or the arse-end of last year, but Free Agents wasn't too bad.

Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle. And making a relatively late discovery of The Inbetweeners.

And The Old Guys. That was good.

And anything that Charlie Brooker's done.

Del Boy falling through the bar.