British Comedy Guide

Porridge novelisations

I found 2 today in a dodgy bookshop and bought them for 40p total. They're novelisations by Clement and Le Franais.

Are they worth anything? In which case does anyone want to buy them?

Worth about 20p each by the sounds of it!

I assume that they are just re-works of the scripts into novel form?

They are indeed, oh well bit of fun for 40p I may even read them.

Just the word "novelisation" strikes terror into my heart.

They're by the original script writers!

Good be worse, porno sitcom novels?
The confessions of Terry and June.

Quote: sootyj @ June 2 2009, 10:06 AM BST

They're by the original script writers!

Yews but script writing and novel writing are two different disciplines. Apart from Marc P, not many are good at both. :)

MarcP writes scripts and novels purely to fund his pun habit.

Here's an extract.

"Eventually my good work work with the pigs impressed the Govenor so much that he gave me more of the farm to look after. You could say I say immersed in my work. You could also say I was upto my neck in it."

I was disapointed I wanted to read about McKi getting his throat cut in an Oz style riot.

Quote: sootyj @ June 2 2009, 10:15 AM BST

I was disapointed I wanted to read about McKi getting his throat cut in an Oz style riot.


I would love to read them. I'll keep and eye out for them in Charity shops etc.

I've got a bit of a collection now of sitcom novels: Reginald Perrin, Potter, The Bounder, Citizen Smith, Sykes and my favourite sitcom novel Last of the Summer Wine which was the novel that the classic feature lenghth Getting Sam Home was based.

Quote: sootyj @ June 2 2009, 12:35 AM BST

I found 2 today in a dodgy bookshop and bought them for 40p total. They're novelisations by Clement and Le Franais.

Are they definitely written by Clement and La Frenais?

I saw one in a charity shop a few weeks ago and that one was "adapted by Paul Victor".

They look for definite.

Went into my local charity shop this morning to get my Mum the play 'The Importance of being Ernest'. I managed to find it, plus I found the third Porridge novel 'A Further Stir Of Porridge' 50p well spent I think.

I have a Porridge novel which follows the script of the feature film with additional scenes. These include an explanation how Godber is able to survive on the moors of Cumbria in the height of winter just wearing football kit.

Favourite lines; Following the arrangement of the celebrity/prisoner football match progressing slowly.

Genial Harry Grout " Fletcher, you and your wife must visit my nightclub in London. We have dancing to a live band, although it's difficult to dance with two broken legs. If you catch my drift".

Quote: vim1 @ August 12 2010, 9:46 PM BST

I have a Porridge novel which follows the script of the feature film with additional scenes. These include an explanation how Godber is able to survive on the moors of Cumbria in the height of winter just wearing football kit.

How is Godber able to be all right, then? I'd be interested to know that.

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