Write gag/pun to this pic for Greeting Card No 27

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Pic No27



I'll just take down your particulars...

You're busted!

Bex celebrates getting a caption picked.


Exsqueeze me occifer I can't seem to find my car.

PC 69 thought about getting his truncheon out.

"I can't be that drunk - I wouldn't shag you for instance."


Bottle Blonde's have more fun.

Quote: Marc P @ February 12 2009, 2:03 PM GMT

Bex celebrates getting a caption picked.

Cheeky git :D. That's just me in the morning.

He was sure he could do her for bending and receiving swollen goods.


Bristol's answer to Magnum.


I only said to get the cork out!

Fancy a Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo ?

"Are you a stripper?"
"No, I really am a police officer madam."

Although fifty male witnesses had seen her take the champagne, not one of them had got a good look at her face.


I am stable C**t! Sorry, constable.

"Are you a swinger madam?"
"No, I just forgot my bra."

Sharon had a feeling that she'd be going down for a long time, if not then she'd probably end up in prison.