Wanna give me a virtual present? Page 2

Laughing out loud I wasn't expecting a description, Aaron, just something about Elliot being able to talk about them. Which I now bit myself on the bum with as you said it anyway.

Blimey. I know he's quite special, but I didn't know he had the power to conduc- Oh, talk about, not to.

Well I think that most of us imagine (well, picture... you know what I mean) the two of you as Action Man-esque figures, without genitalia.

Laughing out loud Looovely...

I actually *am* without genitalia. Cool

Quote: Aaron @ December 29 2008, 11:44 PM GMT

Blimey. I know he's quite special, but I didn't know he had the power to conduc- Oh, talk about, not to.

Well I think that most of us imagine (well, picture... you know what I mean) the two of you as Action Man-esque figures, without genitalia.

They are the LOVE IS couple!

Baked you a cake Jez http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t247/Nealio6s/Forums/HAPPyBirthdayCockSucker.jpg

Quote: PhQnix @ December 29 2008, 11:46 PM GMT

I actually *am* without genitalia. Cool

You need to pee though. A lot.

Sorry for thread hijacking a bit, Tuumble! I'll go now. :$

I think there are limits on how revealing you can be without me before like... yeah...

Happy Birthday Tuumble! Wave

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ December 29 2008, 11:47 PM GMT

They are the LOVE IS couple!

Yup! :D


Happy Birthday Tuumble.

Happy Birthday!! Here's a thread you might like - https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/10903

Thank you one and all - I've been chuckling right through this thread. Even the the threadjack was a giggle. :D

You know something? If you want to surprise someone on their bidet you could do worse than getting all the surprisee's friends to find stuff like this.

Happy Birthday the BCG's very own Dave Lee Travis, TUUMBLE!!!!!!!!!

Appy Irthday, Uumble!

Heey! I'd forgotten all about this thread - thanks for erectioning it. :)