Best Bottom episode Page 4

I like most of 'em but I have to say Accident.


Quote: TBone @ September 6 2012, 5:47 PM BST

For me, 'Gas' stands out. I love the bit where the gas man is about to leave and Richie shouts "you're not going anywhere!" and they proceed to punch him and whack him with a frying pan. My mum who hates TV violence and what she calls "toilet humour" pissed herself at that bit.

That was the first episode I ever saw and I was laughing so much at that part that I missed most of the rest of the episode!. 'Culture' and 'Contest' are the other 2 that still crack me up to this day.

Have you seen the out-takes from Gas? They had to retake that seen over and over cos they were laughing so much

"what are we gonna do???"

"....about 25 years I think!"

Yes, Gas is very funny. Brian Glover's in it, innee?

I have so many, but for me the episode Holy is the best, especially the extended version. In a close second the episode where they play an improvised game of chess. Genius.


Clearly inspired by their work on 'Waiting for Godot'

Am I right in thinking it was the pilot?

The only one I ever liked was the one on the Ferris Wheel

"Well if you had the common decency, to go out and get yourself a proper job and not hang around the flat all day like a vast slug, then perhaps I would have the opportunity to take my top off and wash it without the risk of you seeing my nipples!"

Laughing out loud

Yes, that line was great. Laughing out loud

I always liked the camping episode

Probably Gas. Apocalypse has always been a favourite of mine too though where Richie thinks he's cursed.

I mean I don;t think there's a bad one, but for pure belly laughs, 'S Out is one of the most consistently funny half hours of television I've witnessed. The comedy business with the dart and blowpipe is good enough but that fight! More violence than some action films and better choreographed too, with even now the sound as Richie squelches onto the tent pole eliciting winces all round.

It's tough to choose one but I like Burglary and how they wrap him up with selotape and give the worlds worst interrogation. Or the epiosode where they play chess and Richie gets overexited.

The funny thing is Eddie could probably keep a job and make himself a nice home if he didn't know Richie.

So many different favourites listed here proves how strong the episodes were which is what I remember about it, one belter followed by another. I'm glad I haven't over watched this sitcom as it's the one I'm most looking forward to getting on DVD. And there's three or 4 eps I haven't seen yet. :)