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The Jason Byrne show

Love it

Bob Dylan - Tell Tale Signs

(A collection of out-takes, live versions and film songs make for his best album for 25 years.)

Allah Las - Vis a vis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HaFMaTlryY

Favourite new band, they make me all nostalgic for for things I've never experienced."Vintage" is the word.

Just finished listening to Van Halen's debut for the first time. It's rather kick-ass.

Deep Purple Live At Montreux 2011

Quote: shaggy292 @ December 2 2012, 6:36 PM GMT

Van Halen's debut... It's rather kick-ass.

Yes it is!

scribbled in chalk - karine Polwart

these days - Jackson Brown

Sublime :)

Quote: Pingl @ December 3 2012, 10:13 PM GMT

these days - Jackson Brown

Sublime :)

Yes, this is one of his best.

The Quiet Zone/The Pleasuredome - Van Der Graaf

Quote: Pingl @ December 3 2012, 9:12 PM GMT

scribbled in chalk - karine Polwart

Lovely album.

Quote: Pingl @ December 3 2012, 9:12 PM GMT

scribbled in chalk - karine Polwart

I love that song. I'm listening to her trad album Fairest Floo'er at the moment - she makes Dowie Dens and Queen Jane achingly sad.

Quote: Tursiops @ December 4 2012, 11:36 AM GMT

Lovely album.

We have a disproportionate number of folkies here! We need our own thread :)

Shelagh McDonald does a great Dowie Dens of Yarrow

(And I was listening to it very recently.)

Shelagh McDonald is amazing. Such a strange, sad life story.


I hope she is happy and enjoying her music.

Edith Piaf - Milord


Such a catchy tune and a lovely little slice of life. Why don't people write songs like that anymore?

The only modern singer who reminds me a little of the French torch singers is Madeleine Peyraux.