What stuff do you write other than comedy? Page 6

Oh, and I forgot - I'm writing a comic. Not doing the art, because I can't draw to save my life, but I'm writing this fella here:


You prolific young bugger, you!

Quote: zooo @ May 5 2012, 11:04 PM BST

You prolific young bugger, you!

Yeah, I'm aiming for quantity over quality.

I've written music for indie video games on iPhone and XBox Live Arcade.

I wrote the music for this viral video that has 2.8 million plays. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAC4Nvb2f0M&ob=av3e

I also write articles on politics, video games, etc for websites like The Huffington Post and many others.

I review music for printed music zines too (A Short Fanzine About Rocking, Pornography For Cowards, Kill Your Own, Lights Go Out, etc).

I do all of that for fun though. It isn't something I've ever made a lot of money from. Comedy script writing is the latest thing I've got really interested in, and I'm having a great deal of fun with it.

Quote: Barry Hutchison @ May 6 2012, 8:43 AM BST

Yeah, I'm aiming for quantity over quality.


I write menus for takeaway restaurants. They come to me with no idea what they're going to cook so I write things like "pizza" or "lamb korma" on a bit of paper. Its not the most exciting work but I get paid a grand a day, so it's not all bad.

Dave you're the Prada of dada

Quote: sootyj @ May 6 2012, 6:07 PM BST

Dave you're the Prada of dada


Oh you know what I mean

:D Dave 'The Chaucer of Chutney' or 'The Bard of Balti !

Hello Comedy Cummunity... My name is Luke and I am a comedy film maker in Sheffield. I have started a new Project on kick starter to release a new comedy web series and need your support through shares/likes and donations.... Your support is really appreciated and if you donate as little as £1, you will be credited in our series. Thanks all http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/23053292/tit-news

Quote: chelseaboyluke @ February 15 2013, 6:40 PM GMT

Hello Comedy Cummunity... My name is Luke and I am a comedy film maker in Sheffield. I have started a new Project on kick starter to release a new comedy web series and need your support through shares/likes and donations.... Your support is really appreciated and if you donate as little as £1, you will be credited in our series. Thanks all http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/23053292/tit-news

By bye Ben, Luke, you nimrod. Wave
