Hi everyone.

Hi, I'm Sam. I've just found this site and think it's just what I've been looking for. I love reading comedy more than watching it, however my TV heroes are Bilko, Father Ted & Farty Towels.
I have submitted some material to various shows. The furthest I got was a phone call from Carol Smith of Bearded Ladies asking me to tweak a sketch I'd written and resubmit, but that was it.
I find that the most frustating part of writing is the feedback from producers i.e none.
As soon as I get my head round posting I will submit some work on the Critique. This is also my first venture into forums so be gentle.


Welcome Slack. This is a great community here and everybody I have encountered is really supportive. I'm sure your search is at an end. You are all my children!

how do, my basement bar is dry I'm afaid only got a few bottles of beer to offer from fridge, my FOOOLIIIISHHH!!!!!!! assistant forgot to top up the barrels...hope to see your stuff in critique soon

Salutations Mr Bladder and welcome to my little group. If you've enjoyed it then it's all been all worthwhile.

Hi Slack

Welcome aboard and mine's a tea. Milk no sugar tanks

Hi Slack

Nice to meet you. See you in Critique soon.


Welcome Slack - always nice to see more Scots!

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome.

horight my lurve?, welcome to the sight, i know you will enjoy it and i look forward to seeing some of your stuff on the critigue,

Hi Sam, I've only been visiting this site for a short while myself. Everyone is really, really friendly. So friendly it can sometimes be a bit eerie. I'm sure there must be a catch.

Look in the fine print.



Quote: Aaron @ February 15, 2007, 1:04 AM

Look in the fine print.

Damn. I thought it was on H.P. and that I got it back after enough effort.
