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I never liked parma violets too much like eating little old lady scent

Ohhhhhhhhh, Parma Violets, I forgot about them. I do rather like those.

I hate synthetic violet smell. It's always far too harsh.

Violets are good for you. They help with acne and they are anti-ageing. They have also recently started looking into violets helping women with breast cancer recover.

Oooh, magical flowerzz.




Quote: Nil Putters @ January 19 2012, 7:41 PM GMT

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Quote: Oldrocker @ January 20 2012, 12:44 AM GMT

Is it possible to like his music but dislike him?

Only, Chuck Berry and Jerry Lee Lewis, to name two off the top of my head, committed sexual offences.

As I think I mentioned before Glitter only got his first hit when they started playing the instrumental version on the B side. That's when records gad 2 sides! So it had nothing really to do with his singing.

Remember someone called Jonathan King?

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop @ January 21 2012, 9:37 PM GMT

I hate synthetic violet smell. It's always far too harsh.

Violets are good for you. They help with acne and they are anti-ageing. They have also recently started looking into violets helping women with breast cancer recover.

Anti-ageing. Where do I buy them? Where? Where? Where!
(commiserations, by the way - this year will be the worst. Don't think time actually heals - it just means you get used to it. Hug )

Quote: Chappers @ January 21 2012, 11:23 PM GMT

That's when records gad 2 sides!

Nice pun. I assume it was accidental?

I think I want to be this person.

Quote: zooo @ January 22 2012, 12:07 AM GMT

I think I want to be this person.


Nice car !!

This has made me drool. Were it not for the fact I've had some wine. I'd jump in the car and head for all-night Tesco to buy the eggs.

Quote: zooo @ January 22 2012, 12:07 AM GMT

I think I want to be this person.

You do know that's a skin tight costume ?

:P Love parma violets another thing in common, lost my mum when she was 67 so young! cancer. >_<

Quote: Oldrocker @ January 22 2012, 12:50 AM GMT

You do know that's a skin tight costume ?

Laughing out loud
Maybe not then.

I lost my mum too to Cancer, Dellas. She would have been 67 tomorrow. She had it when I was very little but managed to fight it then suddenly after 20 years it reared it's ugly head.

If you want to use violets cosmetically Keewik, you can takes some fresh or dried violet petals and mix them with some ordinary porridge oats. You can wash your face and body with them by grabbing a handful of mix and adding a bit of warm water then scrubbing in on your face or body (very messy but great) or chuck them in the bath (I put them in a organza baggy so I don't clog the drain).