Catherine Tate accused of racism

I have just found out that Catherine Tate has been accused of racism because of her christmas special, I watched the christmas special back and I can not belive
that people have said that it was racism, the way I look at it is that The Catherine Tate Show is a comedy programme, so I am asking is Catherine Tate
racist ?
Link to news:

So are people makeing a meal out of nothink ?

Well, the point in question is about the Northern Ireland 'my son is a gay man now' sketches. The main point of them is to embarrass the son by being over supportive of his sexuality but in one sketch they showed them exchanging Christmas presents and they were things like balaclava's and knuckle rings etc. which were all accepted gratefully.

They are claiming that was a racist stereotype. I think it was a careless cheap shot that had nothing to do with the premise of the sketch. Its not like there was someone you could label as ignorant in giving the presents out.

I thought the only sketch that was really funny was the nan, the bbc have not made a statement about it.

Racist? No. Funny? Perhaps. Drawing ridiculous extremes to make a statement about the hypocritical attitudes of society and religion? Definitely.

Quote: jake how @ December 28, 2007, 5:28 PM

I so I am asking is Catherine Tate

Yes. Next question?

Thanks for makeing the link short.

I don't think it's racist, just dated. Three years ago it would have been more relevant now it loses it's impact. Not worth making a song and dance about. But we have at least one member from NI on this site. Perhaps he would like to comment.

So which race did she offend: black, white or asian?

Racist? Since when has Northern Irish been a race?

But then again, should we be surprised? This is the Britain we live in. You can’t say or do anything without being branded a racist. Soon, even saying that you don’t like Indian food, or you don’t enjoy African music..etc.. is going to be an arrestable offense.

Baa baa rainbow sheep anyone?


I don't think we should be getting into a discussion about racism if people here don't even know the definitions of the word!

Quote: Philly Baby @ December 29, 2007, 12:52 PM

So which race did she offend: black, white or asian?

Northern Irish.

Quote: ContainsNuts @ December 29, 2007, 1:47 PM


I don't think we should be getting into a discussion about racism if people here don't even know the definitions of the word!

And what about sexism? A (supposedly) female coleague at work reckons that sexism only works one way - ie you can't take the piss out of women but it's OK the other way round.

Quote: jake how @ December 28, 2007, 5:33 PM

I thought the only sketch that was really funny was the nan

Yes, we know. You've told everyone that already.

The really amazing thing is that anyone would actually watch Catherine Tate at all.

Next! Laughing out loud