Current radio comedy Page 60

I'm not sure- I think she's very sweet.

I like her. And the show is my favourite on radio at the moment.

Finally catching up with Cabin Pressure. I wish I hadn't. The joke per page ratio is intimidating. But at least I know exactly how unfunny my stuff is in comparison.

Quote: KLRiley @ April 17 2011, 9:17 AM BST

Finally catching up with Cabin Pressure. I wish I hadn't. The joke per page ratio is intimidating. But at least I know exactly how unfunny my stuff is in comparison.

Is it really that gag-laden? I think it succeeds because of its comic situations rather than its gags.

I wouldn't necessarily define a joke and a gag as the same thing. But whatever, I need to revise what I'm writing.

This Down the Line........hmmm, it has never really grabbed me. It is well-written and acted, of course, but.....I just don't laugh much at it.

For fans of And The Winner Is, you may like to know that an unbroadcast TV pilot is being made.

Quote: TopBanana @ April 17 2011, 4:10 PM BST

This Down the Line........hmmm, it has never really grabbed me. It is well-written and acted, of course, but.....I just don't laugh much at it.

thank God its not just me then!

dont find it funny at all

good idea and good cast

just aint funny

Whistling nnocently

Another great Down the Line. The slide into a conversation on black dwarves was sublime. I wish it was on for an hour as 30 minutes seems way too short.

Hi all - noobie posting here so feel free to ignore.

Many moons ago I worked as an evening shift cleaner and used to listen to Radio 4 comedies to pass the time. Down the Line was one show I would avoid as I thought it was purile and in the same vein as Brass Eye which to mee was defintiely alternative comedy - ie. not funny.

Cabin Pressure I think is hysterical. I adore it. The Christmas Special they did was awesome and I still have it on my MP3 player. I can hardly wait for series 3 to air - I read somewhere it was still being written.

Another entertaining series is dear old Just A Minute but that tends to be a little bit unreliable as it really does depend on who the guests are but I find Sandi Toskvic on the News Quiz brilliant. When she first took over I thought is this such a good idea, but she delivers those deadpan one-liners so well, I fall about sometimes.

Only my two-peneth

Quote: Roy Spearman @ April 20 2011, 11:03 AM BST

Hi all - noobie posting here so feel free to ignore.

Many moons ago I worked as an evening shift cleaner and used to listen to Radio 4 comedies to pass the time. Down the Line was one show I would avoid as I thought it was purile and in the same vein as Brass Eye which to mee was defintiely alternative comedy - ie. not funny.

Cabin Pressure I think is hysterical. I adore it. The Christmas Special they did was awesome and I still have it on my MP3 player. I can hardly wait for series 3 to air - I read somewhere it was still being written.

Another entertaining series is dear old Just A Minute but that tends to be a little bit unreliable as it really does depend on who the guests are but I find Sandi Toskvic on the News Quiz brilliant. When she first took over I thought is this such a good idea, but she delivers those deadpan one-liners so well, I fall about sometimes.

Only my two-peneth

Hello, Roy, good to have another radio fan on board. Cabin Pressure is indeed excellent.

I like "Cabin Pressure" but for me "Down The Line" is different class, it regularly has me howling with laughter like nothing else (apart from, perhaps, the Ricky Gervais podcasts and the philosophies of Karl Pilkington).

Listening to Act Your Age and have learned Lucy Porter is married to Justin Edwards. An odd match. He's massive. She's tiny.


Oh and Tom Oconnor STILL isn't funny

I like that Tom's a bit rubbish. It's sweet, like when your granddad used to tell you naff but lovable jokes.