What are you watching on TV? Page 1,256

*envies Kevin Murphy*

(sorry Tim Walker)

BBC Three is was on.

Ha, the kitty doesn't even spare him a glance.

Hmm I think that's a faker. They've precariously placed the TV to fall, if you look the cat barely touches it and it's over straight away. I am unconvinced.

I did wonder about that. I thought 'who on earth films themselves doing sit ups?' And then I thought 'oh yes, a man...'

Still strange that the cat doesn't even look at the fallen monitor though!

Because the cat knows it's a set up and is not willing to play along with the sharade.

Clever kitty!

Escape to the Country. The man who hosts it has THE most annoying voice.

Ross Noble overshadowing Alan Davies. Satisfying. :)

Quote: Leevil @ October 15 2010, 8:50 PM BST

Ross Noble overshadowing Alan Davies. Satisfying. :)

Is Alan Davies Johnatahn Creek?

I'm watching Rødovre beat Esbjerg in Icehockey Laughing out loud

Oh hello, lovely Ross Noble on my tellybox.

On what?

I remember when Ross Noble was doing some triple G Australian radio show.
They were trying to put made up facts into general circulation.

One was that George Foreman has no fingerprints.
And the other one was that Huey Lewises maternal Grandfather had Invented the wax coating for mini baby bell cheeses.

The Huey Lewis one turned up in the Pub facts section of Nuts magazine.

QI. Recorded on V+.

Watching a baseball game with my father. We're switching to a NASCAR race between innings. I definitely can tell that we're in North Carolina.

I watched an installment of Jeopardy a few hours ago and got all but 3 questions/answers correct. My father was quite impressed.

On The Beat - Love it.