Are you Twittering? Page 26


I thought he was making up the 50cent ones as well, but then realised they were real... :O

This one made me laugh.

50cent - Man I aint even feeding these hoes. A bitch want a free meal she should go to the shelter. I'm hard on a hoe cause its hard out here! Lol


I treat garden implements with distain. And Battersea Dog's Home is a fine and underrated institution. *laughs*

Bloody hell, the speed in which people are following this guy is mad. I REALLY want 50cent to follow him!

Woah... up to 12,698 now from when I mentioned to you guys yesterday. He only had 200 then.

Just a reminder to those on twitter to follow us on there.

I've just started using my @texturbation account again. Will try to add some of you folks.

I tweet under @InkyQuills, if any of you can pretend to be interested

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ September 20 2010, 4:53 PM BST

I've just started using my @texturbation account again. Will try to add some of you folks.

You're texturbation?! Nice!

Quote: Flavian @ September 20 2010, 5:01 PM BST

I tweet under @InkyQuills, if any of you can pretend to be interested


Oh go on then...

Plus I have quite an extensive BCG list if anyone wants to follow that list.

Twiter's rubbish. Just add me on facebook. Y'all know my name. But you should tell me who you are 'cause I have a nightmare trying to figure out who people are.

@catbinlady is effing hilarious.

EllieJP and Kev, you're good luck charms. Treason Show order just came through and I FINALLY got in - woohoo!

I do have a twitter. It's @natwicks. How unlike me.

And Nat, I used to think the same - but it's cracking for finding out about gigs and such, and there are some cracking wordgames, if you're a tad geeky.