General, General Thread Page 41

Didn't you know that the marmoset picked the mandarin?

Quote: Leevil @ November 11, 2007, 12:45 AM

It's a baby Marmoset (or ickle monkey)


Very cute, but who were the two finger intended for?

Awwwww...they are sooooooooooooooo cute! :D


Oh hello.....( Are the cameras rolling yet?) Oh crumbs! They are! Rightie o' then....well, (or wheel as I tend to write when I am doing me touch typing),
just to let you all know, how truly WONDERFUL it is for me to grace you all with the pleasure of my company! ( Oh heck! I think that I meant that the other way round), but you get the jist or gist (however you spell that) anyway, don't you me little souvineer, huggable, loveable, fellow red carpet, award-type winners!

I DID feel it was high time I bounced back to this site and met up with all of you whose (sob),loss of company over the last few months has left me like an abandoned prune, straight off the reduced heap at Asda on a Friday. (And NOT just cause I need to use me oil of Olay, Ulay or whatever 'lay' they are calling it these days!) It is alas, as I feel like I have become no more than a mere lonesome and solitary writer, penning her way into grammatical hell; my life as none other than an abyss of dictionaries, and an eternal love-affair with the thesaurus! (Or Theo-saurus if you say it like my friend).

So woe is me, pray tell, does life really go on...outside of the pages of such literary bleakness?? (And PLEASE, OH PLEASE ) DON'T ask me to watch the X-Factor!
Has anyone noticed that all of the people who get 'rejected' have names that end in 'ie'? Reggie, Mikie, Dopie, smilie and cheekie.....or were they a part of the
seven dwarves crue? I forget.........

Yours el desperado,

A fan of J.R Ewing!
( So don't look at me! I blame that 'Pam one' meself!

Hello Rachael - welcome back! :)

Quote: Rachael Webster @ November 12, 2007, 12:34 AM

(Or Theo-saurus if you say it like my friend).

That's how I say it!
It's the best way.

If anyone feels like e-mailing some explicit donkey sex pictures or anything of that calibre to a complete c**t who comes and spams, the e-mail address of 'wendywoo' is :)

Soooooooo... match: England V Croatia...anyone care?

Quote: EllieJP @ November 21, 2007, 2:34 PM

Soooooooo... match: England V Croatia...anyone care?

In so much as a few friends come round, we have a few drinks and then, and only then, if anyone can remember, we might look at Teletex.

of course! Next summer depends on this result!

And what happens if we lose? Will you still watch next summer?

nothing to watch, england are out if we lose! :-(

Quote: EllieJP @ November 21, 2007, 2:34 PM

Soooooooo... match: England V Croatia...anyone care?

I care. With any luck they'll lose, and I won't have to put up with nearly as much next year.

Ditto! haha