A question regarding Only Fools & Horses


Im new here and glad to meet you all.

I have a question regarding an only fools and horses episode, I saw it when I was smaller and have been searching for it and have not found it yet. It's the one where Del and Rodney have these inflatable dummies around (lady dummies).. I don't remember the whole story just that I was literally ROFLMAO.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Sam ... I remember that episode too ... I am sure one of my more learned colleagues will be able to help you out...

Welcome to the site!

Welcome Sam.

What exactly is your question?

I think he's trying to identify the exact episode... I am being a bit presumptive I suppose... maybe it goes deeper than that.. too deep for me.. :S

I don't know enough about them to go that deep.

i remember it though where they went up in the car i think
wasn't it a christmas one?

DANGER UXD from series 6.

Hope that helps!

See Sam, I knew one of them would know!

I hope I'm right. I'm afraid I have to admit that I've never really enjoyed OFAH - but I do enjoy a bit of detective work!

Quote: Persian_Sam @ September 8, 2007, 9:26 PM

I have a question regarding an only fools and horses episode, i saw it when i was smaller and have been searching for it and have not found it yet. Its the one where Del and rodney have these inflatable dummies around (lady dummies)..i dont remember the whole story just that i was literally ROFLMAO.

Hi Sam. Welcome to the site. A great episode that one!

Quote: puffinpol @ September 8, 2007, 10:22 PM

UXD from series 6.

As Puffinpol says, (hi to you too puffinpol) it's Danger UXD from Series Six... https://www.comedy.co.uk/fools_horses/series6.shtml#2

There's a lot of great info on the main site, I was having a happy half hour looking at the Hancock stuff earlier!!

HHH is great. I've taken to listening to it (the original radio shows, I mean) in the gym. Very funny stuff. :)

Thanks for the welcome guys.

I really appreciate your help, i always thought it was in the first four seasons.

I was trying to figure out which season and which episode it was. Thanks for the link it cleared quite a number of questions!

Again this is a great website and look forward to your posts :)

I sam welcome to the BSG Wave
