Comic book film adaptations

What's your favourite comic book film adaptation?
For every couple of good movies like Batman & Robin or Judge Dredd, you get plenty more that are turkeys.
They've got the technology to do them justice these days, but how often do they really pull it off.

I did like the first Fantastic Four, Uncomplicated and close to the original.

I also liked Daredevil.

Can't wait for Thor although I've still not seen Ironman.

Ironman is one of the better ones, I'd definitely recommend it.

The original Superman I & II are still very good.

Superman 1 and 2 are Great, 3 has some great bits in the subtle corruption of Superman's uniform is great.

They are rebooting both FF4 and Daredevil.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ August 28 2009, 10:54 PM BST

Ironman is one of the better ones, I'd definitely recommend it.

The original Superman I & II are still very good.

Totally agree with you there Steve and the first X-Men was very enjoyable too. Other good ones on the list include 30 Days of Night, 300, the first Blade, The Crow, Heavy Metal, the first Hellboy, Sin City, V for Vendetta, Wanted and Watchmen.

I didn't even realise that A History of Violence and Road to Perdition were comic book film adaptions.

Iron Man, Supes 1-3 (The original still kicks ass), Spider man 1-2 (so damned authentic), Persepolis, American Splendour and probably some others.

Worst the Alan Moore adaptions. You got the look but you lost the poetry you wankers.

I really enjoyed the V For Vendetta adaptation, though it was a bit unwise to try to copy/paste the Thatcher-era allegory straight on to 00s society.

Loved A History of Violence, too. And Ghost World, though the graphic novel was better (I don't know if any teenage girl - any of the kind prone to reading something like Ghost World - could get away from that without relating somewhat to Becky and Enid). Persepolis and Watchmen were great also.

My real guilty pleasure comic book movie adaptation is Josie and the Pussycats. Parker Posey and Alan Cumming were amazing, as was... pretty much every scene that wasn't focused on Josie or either pussycat. Du Jour were pure gold.

I forgot Ghost World and A History of Violence.

But V for Vendetta? It was so weird and uneven, like 1984 set in Surrey. And they made V into a rather witless clown.

Watchmen had the look but none of the brain. The bit at the end where niteOwl beats up Ozymandias shows just how much it missed the point.

I'm sure my view is tempered by having seen the film first. I didn't have a problem with either of those things, though. I was bothered by the way ambiguity was lost with the removal of so many secondary characters, though... And that V wasn't actually offering proper alternative to Norsefire, just hope. If they really felt it necessary to remove Anarchy as the alternative, they could have bothered putting something beyond pretty words in its place.

I read them both as a misunderstood teenagers in the 1980s/90s. And read them again and again.

As such I was into the characters, in jokes, ideas and moodiness.

Which the films just blew completely. V was like 1984 but the film was just kinda bland. And surely the director of Watchmen should have got heroes in the comic who were regular shlubs shouldn't be beating up counter tops.

See, the thing is, the dystopia presented in V could have been so much more potent and current if they'd made it more like Nineteen Eighty-Four in the film, re: surveillance. I mean, frankly it seems like London NOW has better ways of keeping track of its population.
So, I do agree that the actual message lacked any punch in the film... but I still really enjoyed both V for Vendetta and Watchmen as entertainment. I haven't actually read Watchmen yet.

Watchmen read now is good!

Also check out From Hell and Miracle Man.

I'm actually reading Lost Girls at the moment XD . Ahh, classy porn. My heart doth skip a beat.

Quote: Pancake @ August 29 2009, 9:06 AM BST

I'm actually reading Lost Girls at the moment XD . Ahh, classy porn. My heart doth skip a beat.

I suspect that makes you a wealthy perv!

Spider-Man 3. :(

What a great big steaming pile of web slinging wank that was. Look Peter Parker's turned evil, he puts on make up, hates women and dances at jazz clubs - wait that's not evil, it's called being a homo.