Favourite titles...?

Just wondering what peoples favourite titles of books, films, bands, songs etc are? It doesn't matter how good or bad the actual thing is, just whether it's got a title that grabs you by the short and curlies. I've got a few, but my all time favourite is this:

Slap Her... She's French (film)

I'm also fond of:

Butthole Surfers (band)
Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And love The Bomb
Werwolves of London (song)

Bigger, Better, Faster, More -- album by the Super Furry Animals (never listened to it, just love the title)

Also, not specifically the title, but the best line in any song is Elbow's:
"I've been working on a cocktail,
Called 'Grounds For Divorce'"


I'm also a fan of short titles like Cube, Saw and Scum. A great triple bill.

G.B.H. -- that was a good one, too.


And, for fans of ISIHAC...

Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Garcia (Sam Peckinpah film)

Ogden's Nut Gone Flake. Quite memorable, though I had to look it up to find out who it was by. It was an album/song by the Small Faces.

"Tight Pussy, Loose Shoes and a Warm Place to Shit"

Found the performance of this song on YouTube once. The whole thing is ace.

Quote: Bad dog @ June 4 2009, 4:07 PM BST

Ogden's Nut Gone Flake. Quite memorable, though I had to look it up to find out who it was by. It was an album/song by the Small Faces.

Good album as well. :)

Quote: Griff @ June 4 2009, 3:38 PM BST

I will buy any old tat if the title makes me laugh.


My daughter and I were on a train and when the loudspeaker mentioned Didcot we both looked at each other and said, "Did he just say Dick Cock?"

Sorry about this dumbass question, I have searched and can't find the answer. How do you add a picture to a response, as Griff did above?

I'd Rather Have A Dick In My Ass Than Have You In My Heart - Howling Willie C**t.

Hmmm....ok. Gotta be going....!!

Quote: Balf @ June 4 2009, 4:43 PM BST

I'd Rather Have A Dick In My Ass Than Have You In My Heart - Howling Willie C**t.

Finally! Someone else has heard of this masterpiece!

Quote: Balf @ June 4 2009, 4:43 PM BST

I'd Rather Have A Dick In My Ass

Please don't wander off thread, Balf.

Just a little one?