Quick hello

New Member just quickly saying hello. Wave

I ain't got time for anything else right now, but hope to make a proper post tommorrow. :)

Hey Earman. Welcome. A Family Guy fan I see based on the monkey. Here's a question... which is better... Family Guy or American Dad? Hard to call isn't it. Personally American Dad slightly wins for me. Both great, great sitcoms though.

Hey there earman, welcome to the board. (Family Guy rules, btw.)

Gah, Mark! No! American Dad is just NOT funny at all! >_<

Hey Earman :D And Family Guy so rules over American Dad. So there.

Both shows are great, but Family Guy is definitely funnier! :)

Family Guy every time.

Family guy defo :) Heya earman

hello earman naa family guy all the way

armerican dad just didnt quite cut it for me