British Comedy Guide

Desert Island Discs Page 2

I must make a mental note to re-tune my radio to Radio 4 on Sunday mornings.
It's been stuck on TalkSport for years.

I changed the valves and Roy Plumley wasn't on it anymore

Quote: Lee @ 1st June 2021, 9:15 AM

Oh you know what? I think I have listened to the occasional episode. I seem to remember Frank Skinner or maybe even David Baddiel? I don't know, either way I think I might have to start listening.

Yes, you will. I love it, but only when they are people I know - there's been some obscure ones for me lately.
And yes, Frank and David were both on recently and may have followed each other, as I seem to remember David commenting on Frank's choices, which were a bit weird in my eyes/ears.

They also have to choose just one of the records to save, if say their little idyll is flooded one day, and they are given the complete works of Shakespeare and the Bible. They can then choose one other book and one luxury, which I think has to be inanimate i.e., they can't take a live sex bomb.

Sandie Shaw was the only one I have heard who refused the Bible, because she is a Buddhist and would not choose one record to rescue as she said "she wouldn't be arsed if they all washed away"

Quote: Lee @ 1st June 2021, 9:15 AM

Herc, do you have eight you could think of?

Gawd, you know how subjective lists can be! But without thinking about it too much, there would have to be "Stay With Me" by The Faces (one of the best intros by anyone!!), a couple of Vangelis - "Cosmos" and "Light and Shadow" from the '1492' film, then something from The Beatles and The Beach Boys, and I have a few classical favourites.

I remember on the sitcom "Colin's Sandwich", Mel Smith was a budding author with ideas way above his station and in one episode his wife found a list of eight records and laughingly mocked him for planning so far ahead. Very funny, but you had to be there.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 1st June 2021, 9:36 AM

I'd really love Bob Dylan to do it but if he couldn't turn up for the Nobel Peace prize people I doubt he will for Roy Plumley.

A bit late for that already.

I listen to half an episode today on my way home and I'll listen to the other half tomorrow. I enjoyed it. A bit annoying they only partially play songs but it mentioned something about rights at the start, so I guess they only play full songs on the live broadcast.
I've since remembered it would have been Charlie Brooker who I listened too, a year or two ago now though. But maybe Baddiel or Skinner too?

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 1st June 2021, 10:36 AM

Gawd, you know how subjective lists can be! But without thinking about it too much, there would have to be "Stay With Me" by The Faces (one of the best intros by anyone!!), a couple of Vangelis - "Cosmos" and "Light and Shadow" from the '1492' film, then something from The Beatles and The Beach Boys, and I have a few classical favourites.

I remember on the sitcom "Colin's Sandwich", Mel Smith was a budding author with ideas way above his station and in one episode his wife found a list of eight records and laughingly mocked him for planning so far ahead. Very funny, but you had to be there.

Nice selection. I've not seen Colin's Sandwich, sounds tasty though.

I'm going to answer David's thread soon. Not that he needed to make a whole new thread for this but that's David for you! Rolling eyes

Not a repeat, as this was on Radio 4. Not many of these current ones I listen to, but it was Alexei Sayle and his weird choice of music didn't disappoint :D The only one I half liked was Dizzee Rascal - Bonkers.

The brief history of his life was more interesting, and I know Lauren Laverne has had bad press on the BCG, but I find her a very good interviewer who asks the sort of questions about the things I would like to know of people. Alexei seemed very relaxed in her company, anyway. :)

One from Feb. last year - Bob Mortimer, a deffo listen to this morning.

Very funny and tear jerking, as he gave us the bones of his life - fascinating!

Cheers for that Herc, he comes across as having had a tremendous youth from his tales on WILTY.

Just been on the BBC Sounds website and downloaded a ruck of old episodes for an up-coming car trip.

Don't worry - no spoiler here.......................

Yes, and the bit that made me laugh out loud is when he explains about the time he set his parents house alight - it's the way he tells it that is so funny.

They're all on YouTube with several episodes per video. Chris Rea and Theft and Shrubbery for me :)
We had a similar game in the early 60's when a few of us would camp out in each others gardens in rotation on summer weekends. In the wee hours we would go for a quiet walk round the local area (nothing criminal involved) and if a car appeared someone would shout "Jerry half-track" and we'd have to hide in separate gardens till it passed.

Willie Rushton this week from the archive with, thank heavens as it's nice to hear his dulcet tones, Roy Plomley (get it right peeps - spelling his name wrong)

Mind you, not so keen on some of his choices, being some early American musicals, which surprises me.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 17th April 2022, 12:03 PM

Willie Rushton this week from the archive with, thank heavens as it's nice to hear his dulcet tones, Roy Plomley (get it right peeps - spelling his name wrong)

Mind you, not so keen on some of his choices, being some early American musicals, which surprises me.

Sue Lawley was surprised by some of my choices.

She didn't think the first would be by Wilson Keppel and Betty.

But I think what made the programme such a success was that people had the opportunity to hear about my life story.

With the originator Roy Plomley, from 1964 on R4+, Kenneth Connor who turned out to be quite a serious person, which I suppose is no surprise, and his choices were pretty boring and not my cup of tea, apart from Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

His book choice was Margin Released by J B Priestley and luxury a guitar

I'm a big fan of this show. I'm sure that if I were completely f**ked on a desert island - no food, no water, no shelter - my first concern would be, 'Where's my Spice Girls collection? I need some zig a zag ha NOW!.F**k me, this is gonna be tough.'

What powers the record player?

And WHAT record player??

They've not thought it through at all

It just wouldn't happen.

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