Who do you fancy? Page 1,082

Quote: Lee @ 10th January 2014, 2:41 PM GMT

She'd crush me... I'd enjoy that.


Looks like she's got plans for you with that medal ribbon first.

Even Terry Thomas is watching her a bit suspiciously.

Quote: DougWonnacott @ 10th January 2014, 1:30 PM GMT

She was very very funny on last night's Weekly Wipe.

I think I laughed every time she said "clocks".

Here they all are: Katarina Johnson-Thompson, Jessica Ennis-Hill and Louise Hazel-Nothing


Three hot Great British sextathletes heptathletes. The sextathlon heptathlon is a 7 position event festival of erotica sport.

Quote: DougWonnacott @ 10th January 2014, 11:32 PM GMT

Louise Hazel-Nothing

Laughing out loud
You really confused me then.

One for the ladies


Is it Dappy?

There were no sexy men in the 70s or early 80s.

That's our greatest ever Olympian, I'll have you know
Dappy Thompson

Jimmy Saville?

He was the star of a Commodore 64 game which gave me wrist injuries.

Oh god, that was unfortunate timing.

Now then, now then!

Quote: DougWonnacott @ 10th January 2014, 11:32 PM GMT

Three hot Great British sextathletes heptathletes. The sextathlon heptathlon is a 7 position event festival of erotica sport.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Quote: zooo @ 10th January 2014, 11:46 PM GMT

He gave me wrist injuries.


Quote: zooo @ 10th January 2014, 11:43 PM GMT

There were no sexy men in the 70s or early 80s.

You are wrong, lady.

Quote: Jennie @ 11th January 2014, 12:01 AM GMT

You are wrong, lady.

Such a shame he never married Marie.

Hehe. He looks like a Mills and Boon cover.