Need help identifying a comedy

Ok I may just be going crazy. A while ago a watched a sitcom with a scene where a guy met his son for the first time at what I believe was a train station, but his son was a LOT taller than him and had the same haircut. His mother was a mechanic. Now I could of sworn this was an episode of Rules of Engagement but I cannot track down the episode and it's driving me crazy trying to find it for my partner, haha. Any help tracking this down would be a GREAT help. (The comedy in question is within the last 5 years.)

Wasn't that the Greg Davies thing?

And by the way it's "could HAVE sworn" - not "of".

(English language is really going downhill!)

Pretty sure it's not Rules of Engagement, nor Cuckoo, which Chappers refers to.

Any other memories? Hair colours? Vaguely what they looked like? Ages?

Chappers may have been referring to Man Down

Ah! Good point. Surely wouldn't have been that though as there's no meeting for the first time?