Current radio comedy Page 107

Quote: Pingl @ November 9 2012, 9:43 AM GMT

Yea but with Reardon introducing them, any Reardon is good in my opinion :)

I agree entirely. Dave Podmore, too.


Quote: italophile @ November 9 2012, 11:24 AM GMT

I agree entirely. Dave Podmore, too.

Ditto the Pod!

Quote: DelphiYouSay @ November 9 2012, 2:17 PM GMT


No you bloody can't Bugger Off!

Quote: Pingl @ November 9 2012, 3:00 PM GMT

Ditto the Pod.

Chris Douglas is a bit of an unsung hero of radio comedy along with Andrew Nickolds (with Nick Newman also involved with Dave Podmore). Long may they prosper.

Quote: italophile @ November 10 2012, 7:27 AM GMT

Chris Douglas is a bit of an unsung hero of radio comedy along with Andrew Nickolds (with Nick Newman also involved with Dave Podmore). Long may they prosper.

Couldn't agree more. I keep waiting for Reardon the TV series, but it may be to subtle for most. To create one great character is an achievement, but two verges on genius. He is indeed one of the great unsung heroes of modern comedy! :)

Quote: Pingl @ November 10 2012, 9:24 AM GMT

I keep waiting for Reardon the TV series,

Nooooooooo! What are you saying?!? Some producer might see that and actually think it's a good idea. Think about the consequences of what you say, please.

You can bet your bottom dollar that it's already been discussed. Maybe even commissioned but quietly cancelled at the script stage when it didn't work.

Quote: chipolata @ November 13 2012, 11:05 AM GMT

You can bet your bottom dollar that it's already been discussed. Maybe even commissioned but quietly cancelled at the script stage when it didn't work.

I think Reardon could work on TV, the stage show was great, also Douglas looks more like the right age now. I'd watch it, I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

I've been enjoying the reruns of The Million Pound Radio Show recently. Andy Hamilton and Nick Revell sketches from 1986.

Quote: Pingl @ November 13 2012, 3:44 PM GMT

I think Reardon could work on TV.

Are you a BBC Producer? I hear there are a few jobs opening up at the top now. You might like to concentrate your energies on getting one.

Quote: Bomsh @ November 14 2012, 12:46 PM GMT

Are you a BBC Producer? I hear there are a few jobs opening up at the top now. You might like to concentrate your energies on getting one.

I'll concentrate on my own opinions, if you can concentrate on yours that would be appreciated. By the way if you seriously think the BBC takes any note of the opinions or ideas expressed on this board than I think you may be fooling yourself.

How did we end up like this? Andrew Lawrence, am I the only one who thinks this show is brilliant?

Quote: Pingl @ November 13 2012, 3:44 PM GMT

I think Reardon could work on TV, the stage show was great, also Douglas looks more like the right age now. I'd watch it, I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

It might work on TV, but there's a lot of voiceover in it. That's always tricky to translate to TV.

Quote: chipolata @ November 16 2012, 3:30 PM GMT

It might work on TV, but there's a lot of voiceover in it. That's always tricky to translate to TV.

There are ways around that, although I must admit actually seeing what Jazz Mulvane looks like might be weird. You could still use the voiceover, but I am in two minds about it. I wouldn't like it to be totally ruined.