Ring Around The Bath
Ring Around The Bath

Ring Around The Bath

  • Radio comedy
  • BBC Radio 4
  • 2003 - 2006
  • 18 episodes (3 series)

Sitcom about a mother who battles with her grown-up children to leave home. Stars Duncan Preston, Penny Downie, Pippa Haywood, Claudie Blakley, Bruce Mackinnon and more.

Ring Around The Bath

A riotous sitcom about a mother battling to get her adult children to leave home.

In this wonderful, fraught, witty real comedy about a middle-aged mother desperate to begin her post-children life, Stella is wondering why those grown-up children are all still in her house. Dreaming of retiring to a life in the countryside with her husband, instead she's dealing with four extra people in the house, rooms that urgently need de-junking, surprise pregnancy tests, difficult neighbours and a mother who really isn't helping anything.

When she attempts to clear the useless clutter from the house, Stella realises it's her children who really need to go; if she can't move to the country, then she's going to make sure the country will move to her; and when it finally seems like at least one child is moving out, that's the perfect moment for Stella's mother to decide she's moving in. Stella feels like the family chaos will never end...

First released: Thursday 15th December 2022

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