British Comedy Guide
Bigipedia. Copyright: Pozzitive Productions


  • Radio sketch show
  • BBC Radio 4
  • 2009 - 2011
  • 8 episodes (2 series)

Fast-paced series in which Nick Doody and Matt Kirshen present listeners with a mixed-up world based on the mangle of mis- and information online. Stars Nick Doody, Ewan Bailey, Sam Battersea, Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Neil Edmond and more.


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Series 1

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Bigipedia - Complete Series 1 & 2

Bigipedia - Complete Series 1 & 2 Audiobook

Welcome to Bigipedia - the omniscient friend you know from your computer and laser watch takes over your PC for 30 minutes in a unique experiment in broadwebcasting....

This is the complete first and second series. Launched on an unsuspecting public, Bigipedia is a massive mash-up of Google, Microsoft, Apple,...

Bigipedia - The Complete Series 1

Bigipedia - The Complete Series 1 Audio Download

Welcome to Bigipedia - the omniscient friend you know from your computer and laser watch takes over for 30 minutes in a unique experiment in broadwebcasting.

Bigipedia - a world of knowledge at your fingertips brought direct to your ears unless you're listening online, in which case it's been brought...

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