Quiz 59

Summer's hotting up, and here's our latest array of questions to tickle your grey matter.

1. What was the name of Frank Spencer's wife?

Who's this?

2. In which sitcom can you find the following exchange? "If I have two beans, then I add two more beans, what does that make?" ... "A very small casserole."

3. Jean Pargetter and Lionel Hardcastle were the central characters in which sitcom?

Which show are this duo in?

4. Who connects Bless This House, Two In Clover and George And The Dragon?

5. What is the first name of The IT Crowd's Moss?

The IT Crowd. Moss (Richard Ayoade)

6. Which of the following performers was temporarily blinded in a war?

7. Identify the town in which comedy hero Tommy Cooper was born.

Comedy Legends. Tommy Cooper. Copyright: Shutterstock

8. Which sitcom focused on characters Stuart, Freddie and Violet?

9. Which film was this photograph taken on the set of?

Identify the film!

10. Who made the first public mobile phone call in the UK?

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