British Comedy Guide
The Twelve Shows Of Richard Herring

The Twelve Shows Of Richard Herring: Episode 12

TSORH #12 - Anal Flute. We're nearly there and when I say we, I mean I. It's the last of the old shows in the Herring's Dozen, Lord of the Dance Settee, with a surprise guest and a big celebrity film star in the dressing room afterwards. Rich is feeling vaguely confident about this show as he only performed it a few weeks ago, but terrified about the new show tomorrow. There's a chance to hear the 'arse like that' routine that you may have missed as it got dropped from most tour shows, as well as the final chart of sales, plus George the incompetent sound man's controversial opinions on Robin Williams.

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  • Published: 15th September 2015
  • Length: 27 mins
  • Size: 24.8mb

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