Stuart Laws. Copyright: Ed Moore
Stuart Laws

Stuart Laws

  • English
  • Actor, writer, director, producer, editor and stand-up comedian

Video clips

Jack Barry: Tango (ASMR stand-up)

Jack Barry performs his smash Edinburgh Fringe 2018 show Tango. This is believed to be the world's first full-length ASMR stand-up special.

Murder Me!

Guy Montgomery's life ambition is to have his death the focus of a Netflix investigative documentary.

Under The Tweets - Jordan Brookes

Jordan Brookes talks about his Twitter timeline.

Under The Tweets - Rose Johnson

Rose Johnson joins the chat show which asks tweeters what their inspiration and process is, and why they're so drawn to Twitter.

Under The Tweets - Sunil Patel

Tweets - how do they get written? Sunil Patel is the guest in this episode.

Under The Tweets - Josh Widdicombe

Josh Widdicombe talks about his use of Twitter.

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