Press clippings Page 4

Revelling in her fake wedded bliss, Hattie chains Sharouz to the radiator with a plate of pork sausages for company. Meanwhile, Jeremy is still being haunted by the Silent Singer, a Lynch-esque apparition of weirdness that forces him to kidnap a dog in his desperate search for the unreturned library book. Joining all the dots, and then collectively tossing said dots out of the window, are the Sowerbutts's: David pops out "to Madagascar", leaving mum Maureen home alone and unhinged. Grisly.

Nosheen Iqbal, The Guardian, 26th May 2011

Comedy profile: Bridget Christie

Quirky and irreverant, this silver-tongued standup has made the improbable leap from showbiz diary hack to headline act.

Nosheen Iqbal, The Guardian, 26th March 2010

Comedian Dylan Moran

Britain's favourite miserabilist comedian sounds off about getting old, religious unbelief and explains how he became a curmudgeonly grump.

Nosheen Iqbal, The Guardian, 22nd December 2009

Stephen K Amos: Murder, he wrote

He once joked that British TV couldn't cope with more than one black comedian at a time - now Stephen K Amos is getting his own BBC series. And he hasn't even had to kill Lenny Henry, he explains.

Nosheen Iqbal, The Guardian, 2nd December 2009

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