Schnortal. Frau Schnortal (Michaela Christian)
Michaela Christian

Michaela Christian

  • Actor, writer, director, producer and editor

Video clips

Objects Anonymous - Episode Two

The client has returned for the Electrical voltage treatment, but is terrified it will finish her off. But once treatment gets started, she realises it's actually quite fun and far from what she thought, much to the leader's rage. Things take a strange turn at the end, which means the client will have to come back for more doubtful treatments.

Objects Anonymous - Episode One

The group leader highlights all the things that can damage you, whilst publicly shaming his one client for confessing to being in love with the Eiffel tower... after his father broke up his first romance with a wicker horse. The leader announces treatment using an electrical current from a parasite Zapper will happen next session, after he suddenly gets distracted by Trudy, the tight slinky Pen.

Salsa dancing with Schnortal

Schnortal is back teaching some hip swinging salsa techniques from the comfort of her kitchen, whilst introducing her famous toad in the hole with full fat cream for an inflating snack break.

Exercising with Schnortal

Schnortal is teaching you exercise techniques from the comfort of her sofa, whilst introducing some interesting cooking techniques to help you gain some pounds.

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