Max Clendaniel

  • Writer, director and editor

Video clips

AI painting by numbers

AI can paint better pictures than any human hand. Leonardo, Picasso, Monet... a computer can do what they did, but better. So what is the future for art and artists in the age of AI? It doesn't look good.

Do audiobooks count as reading?

Think listening to an audiobook is an easy way to devour a good story? Think again! One unlucky listener is desperate to enjoy a new story, but is shocked to discover just how far a bad voiceover will travel...

Driverless cars

Driverless cars... What could go wrong? Well, everything!

The Future Of Travel

What solutions do we have for traffic congestion and the pollution caused by our addiction to motor vehicles? City planners across the World are struggling to find the answer in a race against time. Luckily, there are a number of forward-looking technologists addressing this issue.

Should you lie on your CV?

Everyone's lied on a CV before, right? We all want to impress the people are hiring to give us that new job we so desperately want, so we'll do everything in our power to boost our skills a bit. You've bagged the dream job and it's finally time to show those skills, what could go wrong?

Why are office workers so petty?

Important things may be going on in the world, but there's a certain breed of office worker who can get so ridiculously petty that they never see what is really going on around them.

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