Mark Cooper-Jones

  • Writer and stand-up comedian

Video clips

The world's silliest time zones

Jay Foreman and Mark Cooper-Jones look at some strange and silly time zone quirks.

Map Men - Why every world map is wrong

How do you show a round earth on a flat map? Is it possible? Jay Foreman and Mark Cooper-Jones find out using an orange and a rolling pin.

Can you spot a map trap?

Why do map makers publish mistakes on purpose? Map Men Jay Foreman and Mark Cooper-Jones use a car and a magnifying glass to investigate!

Map Men - The world's oldest border?

Jay Foreman and Mark Cooper-Jones look at the border between England and Scotland.

Who Owns the South China Sea?

There's a bit of the sea claimed by Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and China. But especially China. Why do they want it? And how do they stake their claims? Especially China.

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