Guessable?. Kemah Bob. Copyright: Tuesday's Child
Kemah Bob

Kemah Bob

  • American
  • Actor, writer, stand-up comedian and drag artist

Video clips

Pie And A Pint - Is There An 'Ideal' Body?

We're constantly bombarded with images of the "ideal" body, but what if all/any bodies are ideal? The comedians take on the big issue of body issues, and try to crack the secret of self-love.

Pie And A Pint - How Do You Know When You've Met The One?

What is 'love', and how do you know you're in it? Do we all need to just log off social media and go out into the real world to find our soulmates? The comedians take on matters of the heart.

Pie And A Pint - Is Gender A Construct?

Is gender a construct? Is toxic masculinity ruining singing? Do men *really* know vaginas? Such big questions demand a pie, a pint and our favourite comedians.

Pie And A Pint - What Are You Anxious About?

The world can be a pretty unforgiving place at the best of times, with so many issues competing to impact our mental wellbeing. So why are so many of us so critical of ourselves? The comedians investigate.

Pie And A Pint - Trump / Putin / Boris Johnson: F**k, Marry, Impeach?

In these politically polarised times, maybe it's time for the Pie and a Pint comedians to come together and find one stance we can all agree on: which world leaders are most/least f**kable?

The Paddock - Kemah Bob is 'Romantic as F**k'

Kemah Bob schools us on toxic masculinity, as rapper Lil' Test Ease...

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