Justin Badger (I)

  • Editor

Press clippings

Emergency Question: What's the most trivial thing you've seen a child have a strop about?

Edinburgh Fringe comedians answer.

Chortle, 20th August 2022

Emergency Question: What is your most mundane encounter with a celebrity?

Edinburgh Fringe comedians answer.

Chortle, 16th August 2022

Emergency Question: Which conspiracy theory do you think might actually be true?

Edinburgh Fringe comedians answer.

Chortle, 12th August 2022

Emergency Question: What's the one legal thing you would make illegal?

Edinburgh Fringe comedians answer.

Chortle, 7th August 2022

Emergency Question: What would you invent to make the world a better place?

Edinburgh Fringe comedians answer.

Chortle, 4th August 2022

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