Hi Fuzzy. Who are you and what do you do in comedy?

Fuzzy Dice is part Sandip Mahal and Part Kit Johnstone who write, perform, shoot and edit sketch comedies which are showcased across multiple platforms.

Tell us about how you first became involved in the comedy world.

Sandip and Kit worked together in a large media company and due to their love of absurd comedy teamed up to create Fuzzy Dice where they could use their skills to push content across all platforms.

Tell us about your comedy favourites.

Our favourite are the controversial, surreal and strange talents Chris Morris, The Big Train cast and Frankie Boyle

The comedy industry is competitive. Why should people pick you to work with?

We don't JUST write comedies, we shoot edit and publish using the skills we have learned in the media industry. We have gained all these skills over the years.

What's the best advice you've ever been given, read or heard?

Winston Churchill who said something about never giving up.

Where would you like to be in 10 years' time?

Having a few comedies getting a rfecomission. That would be nice.

If you ever get free time, how do you spend it?

We watch comedy live and online and constantly talking (well, bickering) about it to death.

If you ever get free time, how do you spend it?

Sandip- I wish Kit get off his lazy arse.
Kit- I wish Sandip would get of his lazy arse.

Published: Wednesday 8th March 2023

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