British Comedy Guide

Emma Tracey

  • Producer

Press clippings

Video: Meet Fred interview

What do puppets and disabled people have in common? Quite a lot as it happens. In a play about a two-foot-tall cloth puppet Fred, threatened cuts to his Puppetry Living Allowance mean he loses one of his three puppeteers and can no-longer live independently.

Emma Tracey caught up with Fred at the Edinburgh Fringe and heard about his troubles at the job centre ... and why he isn't fond of the Muppets.

Emma Tracey, BBC News, 16th August 2016

The amputee who impersonates celebrities with her stump

An amputee who dresses her stump up to resemble celebrities says it helps her "own" her disability.

Emma Tracey, BBC Ouch!, 11th March 2015

Did you hear the one about the blind comedian?

Blind comedian Jamie MacDonald tells BBC Ouch how he makes jokes about losing his sight and the sticky situations he finds himself in.

Emma Tracey, BBC Ouch!, 21st August 2014

Asperger's makes stand-up easier than office work

The man with Asperger's syndrome who finds being a professional stand-up comic easier than any office job.

Emma Tracey, BBC Ouch!, 4th August 2014

Amy Conachan: Starring in a disability sex comedy

Amy Conachan is a rising young star of Scottish theatre, who's starring in a new stage comedy about the sometimes awkward reality of sex and disability.

Emma Tracey, BBC Ouch!, 19th March 2014

Amy Conachan: Starring in a disability sex comedy

Amy Conachan is a rising young star of Scottish theatre, who's starring in a new stage comedy about the sometimes awkward reality of sex and disability.

Emma Tracey, BBC Ouch!, 18th March 2014

Lee Ridley aka Lost Voice Guy: communication revolution

Lee Ridley, 31, has cerebral palsy. His day job is as a member of the media team at Sunderland City Council, but you might be more familiar with his stand-up comedian name, Lost Voice Guy.

Emma Tracey, BBC Ouch!, 2nd November 2012

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