Chris Aitken

  • Scottish
  • Writer, agent, publicist and script editor

Video clips

Delusional girls

"There's so much pressure to be perfect all the time!"

Top tips for looking youthful

Nikola McMurtrie shares her advice for staying young... whether you follow it is up to you!

Bad news from the DNA test results

A song from Nikola McMurtrie. "I didn't need a DNA test to tell me I'm not interesting".

First world pet problems

There are some things a vet just shouldn't have to deal with... a sketch from Restless Natives.

We can't eat peas now?

While trying to discover which foods can be classed as ethical, a team of scientists make a terrible discovery.

Da v Da

"My da's bigger than your da." If you're going to make idle threats be prepared to follow through...

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