Charlotte Salt

Press clippings

Over each new Saturday night game show hangs the spectre of Don't Scare the Hare. Remember it? In 2011, the floppy-eared flop was pulled from BBC1 before the first series ended. It came at a time when the thinking was that shows needed crazy set gimmicks: a robotic hare, a moving wall with a hole in, an Olympic diving pool. Tonight's new arrival doesn't bother with that; it just cranks up the idea of a celebrity quiz to such heights of fizzing, demented hilarity that it's hard not to get swept along.

Frank Skinner and Micky Flanagan lead two teams answering British-themed questions from Gabby Logan. The Mayor of High Wycombe and the London School of Samba add local colour, and guest Charlotte Salt (from Casualty) gets a merciless ribbing on her surname. It's that kind of show.

David Butcher, Radio Times, 3rd August 2013

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