Benjamin Sutton
Benjamin Sutton

Benjamin Sutton

  • Writer, director, producer and director of photography

Video clips

Living With Your Parents In Secret

This year has been a disaster. You've lost your job. You've got no money. Your girlfriend has dumped you. You've got nowhere to live. So why not just move back in with your parents? Or maybe you don't want them to know what a terrible failure you are?

Competition Giveaway

Always good to win a prize, right? Who'd turn down a £1000 in a competition giveaway? Unless, that is, you have a few murky secrets that end up getting caught on camera.

How Did Body Hair Get So Political?

How did body hair get so political? Why has it become such a big issue to shave or not to shave? Is it really "unladylike" to keep your body hair as nature intended? Or is it unacceptable to bend to all those societal pressures to remove all that natural hair from your arms, legs and other bits?

Yorkshire Staycation

At long last, this week the government has permitted staycation holidays in the UK after many months of grim lockdown. Why would you want to go to the Caribbean, when you can visit Yorkshire?

Break The Rules

Fed up with the government telling you what to do? Lockdown rules, rule of six, travel restrictions, closure of non-essential shops and hairdressers, social distancing... the list is endless. Covid has ruined our lives. Time to fight back and ignore all those rules? Enough is enough? You probably have a friend who believes just that!


Fancy a job in the arts? Want to be a musician, an artist, an actor? Well forget it. The government says you need to be retrained so you can get a proper job. That way you'll be more use to society.

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