Amy Howerska. Copyright: Karla Gowlett
Amy Howerska

Amy Howerska

  • Actor, writer and stand-up comedian

Press clippings Page 3

Amy Howerska: dead funny (Link expired)

Every comic has a terrific story about the worst time they died on stage, and it's true that there has been no shortage of Edinburgh comedy shows over the past few years that confront the realities of sickness and death. But for Amy Howerska, death has been so commonplace it makes her stand up regarding it a little different.

Amy Howerska, WOW247, 30th July 2015

Amy Howerska: Polish, Irish, Catholic, Jew, Welsh

Comedy editor Martin Walker, joins comedian Amy Howerska for a Skype chat. As it's a Friday night they are both drinking wine. Martin's wife, Kate is listening in, whilst Amy is joined by her flatmate. Occasionally they remember to talk about Amy's Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, Amy Howerska: Sasspot.

Martin Walker, Broadway Baby, 25th July 2015

Amy Howerska, sassy comedian raised by trained killers

Comedian Amy Howerska's Edinburgh Fringe show in August will be called Sasspot. The publicity blurb for it says she was "raised by a pack of trained killers". This understates the truth quite considerably.

John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 13th June 2015

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