Dr Horrible Page 11

you can watch the whole episode on the doctor horrible site (did anyone actually ask this).

and it is more than worth doing.

it's quite simply fantastic.

Quote: Nick Rivers @ August 3 2008, 1:48 PM BST

you can watch the whole episode on the doctor horrible site (did anyone actually ask this).

I thought that was only for the first week. Didn't it go to iTunes after that? American iTunes, that is.

Oh it's on the actual site now! Ace.
It used to be a lot harder to find.

Click on my sig pic then, and it'll take you there, anyone who hasn't seen it yet!

It's like a 3 part TV show, Aaron. (the whole thing under 45 mins).
If you watch all of part one, I think you'll want to watch the rest.

Oh yeah, and has a Big Bang Theory geek on it for your pleasure, Aaron.

Okay. Well as I can't STAND to watch anything on the computer (not in-browser anyway), I'm downloading it from elsewhere.

I know none of these people you keep going on about. Will that affect my enjoyment/viewing of it?

Nah, you don't need to know who anyone is.

Bitchin'. :)

Horrible news; http://www.syfyportal.com/news425254.html :)

"You probably heard about 'Commentary: The Musical,'" Jed Whedon said. "If you haven't, there is going to be commentary that we're writing songs for."


Have you still not watched it Azza?



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