Chris Langham Page 22

She got 5 years in a nasty Chinese prison.

Bruce Dickinson was busy.

Quote: sootyj @ February 19, 2008, 11:49 AM

She got 5 years in a nasty Chinese prison.

Shes unlucky, she could have been sent to one of those nice Chinese prisons

Ee gad struck down by Captain Sarcastic.

You sneaky devil.

Interview on Guardian website from yesterday

Read it in the paper.

He's an amazing talent who made a foolish mistake for which he was punished.

I for one look forward to his return to the telly ASAP.

His abandonment by the BBC goes to show how few teeth that institution has left. And how The Thick Of It is a peurile pretender to Yes Minister.

Good for him. I hope he starts getting more work. And I hope a lot of people read that article.

Excellent article. Thanks for mentioning it. I really hope Langham's back working soon. He's a wonderful comic talent who we shouldn't be without.

Here that BBC give the man a job!

He turned me into a newt.

(I got better)

Quote: sootyj @ February 19 2008, 5:33 PM BST

Is there no area of human experience that some one doesn't get a deviant thrill from.

There's even Japanese brothels that specialize, in men who like pinching bums on Tubes.

Just when I thought I'd heard it all.

Can you take a goose with you like Harold Lloyd and then get your face slapped?

Why not, you can probably f**k the goose if you so choose.

I love re-reading these old threads. You read a post, think you'll comment on it and then see that you already did and said exactly what you would have today, three years earlier.

Although I also see that I bumlicked Sooty and he ignored me. Still now that he's my oddjob man and gardner I can dock his wages.