
Just found this website and promptly signed up! I like lots of Brit sitcoms, but my favourites are: Rising Damp, Dad's Army, Steptoe and Son and Only When I Laugh. I'm Lesley in Lincs btw. ;)

Nice to meet you Lesley :)

Helloooo and welcome!!! :)

Welcome freespirit Wave

I would.

Hey Lesley, what part of Lincolnshire you from?

Hellooooooooooo :) Wave

Quote: Leevil @ April 25 2008, 12:00 PM BST

Hey Lesley, what part of Lincolnshire you from?

The best part hopefully - the north east, around that paradise known as Cleethorpes.

I live near Louth, Ian/Leevil - not too far from the paradise of Clee. ;)
Thanks for the friendly welcome everyone! Wave

And the big question now. What's your favourite pizza topping?

(Other than cheese and tomato, which are inherent.)

Red peppers, extra garlic, black olives and mushrooms

GARLIC?!!? !!?!?!?!!

Don't like you no more.

*storms off*

Hello and welcome Free.

g'day freespirit.

Hey Lesley!

Welcome to BSG Wave