Who do you fancy? Page 260


Very Crudely done but you get the idea

Heeeeeeeeeeello. Cool

I don't mind either. Some people are just too fussy. :)

I'd do both hopefully at the same time mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Gavin, you're a wizard.

Now you only have to make her a bit older.

She's 19. *thinks about it* Yeah, maybe add a few years then :)

Quote: Finck @ September 27 2008, 2:32 PM BST

Gavin, you're a wizard.

Now you only have to make her a bit older.

Bit older? She's American which means she is about 25/26 but looks young they age differently to us Europeans....oh no shes 19....still...

A pinball wizard.

Woah woah, 19? Well, still within my age range I guess.

A bit chavy looking in this one, but I'm a sucker for a nice pair of boots so...


'scuse the old bint.


i have two brill pics lemme resize them their hugggggggggggge

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 27 2008, 2:34 PM BST

She's 19. *thinks about it* Yeah, maybe add a few years then :)


On the other hand, most of those page three girls (or as they're called in Germany: page one girls) are probably not much older than 18 either.

Oh, while we're at it: Cute German word of the day: Wichsvorlage. Better not google that. :)

Quote: Finck @ September 27 2008, 2:42 PM BST

Oh, while we're at it: Cute German word of the day: Wichsvorlage. Better not google that. :)

Naughty naughty Finck ;)

As long as there's grass.. better not, I'll get a reputation. Whistling nnocently

Quote: Gavin @ September 27 2008, 2:44 PM BST

Naughty naughty Finck ;)


(You didn't google it, did you?)